The Legend of the Ooze

The Ooze
3 min readDec 19, 2022


At the vertex of time, in a dimension right under your nose..

A small vial containing a fluorescent slime like substance lies on a dark street of a forsaken society…

There it was.. the $Ooze

It fell from the heavens.. where the chads built their cities in the skies..

Abandoning all those who they deemed “unworthy” or “jeets,” the chads created a society above the clouds with a sacred technology they called “the blockchain.”

Gatekeepers of the blockchain, the chads forbade all jeets access to their domain.. they had many secrets..

The vial of ooze glowed in the dark night… who’s eye would it catch? In this dimly lit back alley…

Beneath a flickering neon sign, a door bursts open from a kick of a drunk, homeless, man. He stumbles out into the street before falling down on his face just a few feet away..

“How hopeless..” he thinks.. then.. out of the corner of his eye.. he sees it..

The Ooze.

What is this? It glowed bright and shimmered as he tilted the vial back and forth. It was obvious this, whatever this was, came from the forbidden cities in the skies… he wasted no time. Being the degenerate that he is, he drank the vial in a few gulps.

Suddenly everything began to spin, everything began to shimmer an iridescent glow. The world around him began to fragment into incredible glittering diamonds, refracting kaleidoscopes of brilliant design. “Is this.. the FOMO?” He asked himself. His body began to dissolve. He felt his limbs turn to dust, his torso disintegrating, and with his last gasp of air, he looked up to see numeric code binding the cities in the sky as his mind collapsed into billions of neurons, then into their chemical compositions, to their atoms, to their subatomic particles.. Each particle, a star in the universe...

Suddenly, he finds himself in another body.. in another dimension.. a higher self? Floating in a blacklit room and a tube like apparatus resting on an elevated surface. A vapor slowly rises out of the tube, unnaturally slow. How did we get here?

Moving in slow motion.. he sees himself effortlessly craft an extraordinary cube with just the motion of his hand. It floated.. like the blocks in the sky. blocks?

His recollection of the known universe throws him into a wormhole. Twisting, turning and Flying at warp speed, he sees a light at the end of the tunnel. It’s a street.. a dark one.. And in an instant he’s there. Back on the same street, and back in his stupid head.

His mind pulsed with all the information he’s just absorbed and attempts gathers himself. The blockchain flowed through him. As he stands with swagger, he hears a clinking in his pocket. He reaches down to find three more vials of the mysterious ooze. He’s shocked. Is this real? Do the effects of the ooze still have a hold on him? He staggers, still trying to find balance. Still drunk.

“What the hell is this stuff?” He wonders.. and looks up at the sky where the chads built their cities. But something is different. And there it was… the block he had built while on the ooze! No way.. no way, he must be dreaming. He pinches himself to make sure.. *Ouch* Okay. This is real. As real as anything can be.

It looked just as he imagined it.. what a sight to see. Floating up above.. while he’s stuck down on the ground. This fuckin shit hole. What did he just discover? As he clinks the vials of Ooze he notices his hands had changed... they had become diamonds! The Ooze.. what secrets lie in the ooze?

He became enlightened. The chads.. They’re all jeets! They’re all just on the ooze! Why the Chads kept the blockchain to themselves was a mystery. None of that mattered, not that now he had the Ooze. He could build his very own blocks.. anyone could. His wildest dreams were about to come true… all because of the $Ooze.

